Trend Report 10.4.22
This week we heard from Jessica Russell about #QSR trends.
QSR’s are shifting gears into Fall promotions… and of course, that means #PumpkinSpice season. Starbucks reported its best sales week of all time, thanks to this year’s Pumpkin Spice Latte debut. That’s an increase of 25.7% in-person visits. Consumers spend roughly $500M on pumpkin spice products across categories but the PSL clearly still reigns supreme. Even though Starbucks didn’t have any offerings for #NationalCoffeeDay last week, other coffee chains celebrated with free coffees, BOGO deals, and discounts. And in the food world, we’re looking to the past at McDonald’s latest collab with Cactus Plant Flea Market on their nostalgic #HappyMealForAdults. And finally, your favorite Taco Bell item could return but only if you cast your vote. Are you #TeamNachorito or #TeamDoubleDecker?