Trend Report 8.25.20
This week, we heard from Jessica Gotsman about #Auto trends.
Auto brands are continuing to find new ways to speak to their audiences. Ford Motor Company’s relaunch of the #Bronco includes a new podcast called “#BringBackBronco,” a biweekly series touching on everything from the birth of the car to the infamous 1994 chase. AUDI AG launched a digital docu-series about their partnership with #MajorLeagueSoccer and how they help young players at the MLS academies succeed through access to transportation via Audi #GoalsDriveProgress. Meanwhile, Volkswagen AG jumped at the chance to share a local story of how one patriotically-wrapped VW #VanagonWestfalia in Philly helped thousands of citizens collect mail-in ballots for the city’s primary. The city partnered with nonprofit Committee of Seventy, which owns the van, to publicize the van as an official ballot drop-off for those stuck at home in the wake of the pandemic.